How To Install ncurses Library on a Linux

Ineed to compile an application with ncurses library and header files. How do I install install ncurses libs and header files on a Linux operating system? How do I write a simple hello world program using the ncurses and compile it on a Linux?

GNU ncurses is software API for controlling writing to the console screen under Unix, Linux and other operating systems. You can create text-based user interfaces (TUI) on a Linux or Unix-like system using ncurses library.

Tutorial details
Difficulty level Easy
Root privileges Yes
Requirements Linux terminal
Category Package Manager
OS compatibility Alma  Arch  Debian  Fedora  Mint  Pop!_OS  RHEL  Rocky  Stream  Ubuntu
Est. reading time 3 minutes

Installing the ncurses library in Debian/Ubuntu Linux

  1. You need to install the following two packages:
    libncurses5-dev : Developer’s libraries for ncurses
    libncursesw5-dev : Developer’s libraries for ncursesw
  2. Open the Terminal application.
  3. Type the following apt-get command to install ncurses header and libs:$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
Fig.01: Install ncurses library using apt-get

Fig.01: Install ncurses library using apt-get

Installing the ncurses library in CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux 6.x/7.x+ and Fedora Linux 21 or older

  1. You need to install the following package:
    ncurses-devel : Developer’s libraries for ncurses
  2. Open the Terminal application.
  3. Type the following yum command to install ncurses header and libs:$ sudo yum install ncurses-devel
Fig.02: Install ncurses library using yum

Fig.02: Install ncurses library using yum

Installing the ncurses library in Fedora Linux 22.x+

  1. You need to install the following package:
    ncurses-devel : Developer’s libraries for ncurses
  2. Open the Terminal application.
  3. Type the following dnf command to install ncurses header and libs:$ sudo dnf install ncurses-devel

How do compile C program and use the ncurses library?

Create a test program called hello.c as follows:

#include <ncurses.h>
int main(void){	
	initscr();			/* Start curses mode 		  */
	printw("Hello World! Press any key to exit ...");	/* Print Hello World		  */
	refresh();			/* Print it on to the real screen */
	getch();			/* Wait for user input */
	endwin();			/* End curses mode		  */
	return 0;

First, make sure you install GNU/GCC C compiler on a Linux:

To link to the ncurses library pass the -lncurses option to gcc/cc command:
$ cc -o output input.c -lncurses
$ cc -o hello hello.c -lncurses

Run it:
$ ./hello
Sample outputs:

Hello World! Press any key to exit ...

Here is another program:

  (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 1999
  Moving windows with ncurses.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <curses.h>
int main(void) {
    WINDOW * mainwin, * childwin;
    int      ch;
    /*  Set the dimensions and initial
	position for our child window   */
    int      width = 23, height = 7;
    int      rows  = 25, cols   = 80;
    int      x = (cols - width)  / 2;
    int      y = (rows - height) / 2;
    /*  Initialize ncurses  */
    if ( (mainwin = initscr()) == NULL ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising ncurses.\n");
    /*  Switch of echoing and enable keypad (for arrow keys)  */
    keypad(mainwin, TRUE);
    /*  Make our child window, and add
	a border and some text to it.   */
    childwin = subwin(mainwin, height, width, y, x);
    box(childwin, 0, 0);
    mvwaddstr(childwin, 1, 4, "Move the window");
    mvwaddstr(childwin, 2, 2, "with the arrow keys");
    mvwaddstr(childwin, 3, 6, "or HOME/END");
    mvwaddstr(childwin, 5, 3, "Press 'q' to quit");
    /*  Loop until user hits 'q' to quit  */
    while ( (ch = getch()) != 'q' ) {
	switch ( ch ) {
	case KEY_UP:
	    if ( y > 0 )
	case KEY_DOWN:
	    if ( y < (rows - height) )
	case KEY_LEFT:
	    if ( x > 0 )
	case KEY_RIGHT:
	    if ( x < (cols - width) )
	case KEY_HOME:
	    x = 0;
	    y = 0;
	case KEY_END:
	    x = (cols - width);
	    y = (rows - height);
	mvwin(childwin, y, x);
    /*  Clean up after ourselves  */
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Compile and run it as follows:
$ cc -o curwin1 curwin1.c -lncurses
$ ./curwin1

Sample outputs:

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