Unable to add domain to an existing webspace in Plesk: Unable to load object of type IPAddress with id=XX


  • Unable to add domain to an existing webspace:

    An error occurred during domain update: An error occurred during changing of hosting settings: Unable to load object of type IPAddress with id=XX: IPAddress: unable to select: no such row in the table

  • plesk repair db returns the following error:

    # Plesk repair db -n
    Checking the consistency of the Plesk database
    The following domains are assigned to already removed IP addresses.
    Reassign the domains to existing IP addresses:
    example.com ........................................... [ERROR]

    Error messages: 1; Warnings: 0; Errors resolved: 0
    exit status 1


The issue is caused by a database inconsistency: IP pool of the customer for whom the Domain is created contains a reference to a non-existent IP address.


  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

  2. Find all affected domains:

    # plesk db "select d.name from domains d, dom_param dp where dp.val not in (select id from IP_Addresses) and dp.param='ip_addr_id' and d.id=dp.dom_id"
    | name
    | example.com

  3. Log in to Plesk.

  4. Navigate to Domains > example.com > Web Hosting Access and set the correct IP address in IPv4 address field;

  5. Repeat step 4 for all domains listed on step 2.

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